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Unveiling the Secrets: Decoding the Divine True Names

Updated: Jan 7

The importance of knowing the true names of our Creator and Messiah is paramount and essential. It is through their names in which we will be saved – see blog on Uncovering the Truth of Divine Names. There are no other names or titles that will save us.

Everyone has a unique name, including the Creator and Messiah. Even the pantheon gods and lords have their names. The pantheon gods are called by their names, why not the Creator and Messiah? Why are the titles and nicknames used for our Creator only and not His True Name? Titles are not names, and nicknames are descriptions of the person characters, not true names of the individuals.



Descriptions of Nicknames


El Shaddai

God is Almighty


Jehovah Jireh

The Lord is my Provider

Lord God

El Nissi

God is my Banner


Jehovah Rohi

The Lord is my Shepherd

Adonai (means Lord)

Jehovah Rapha

The Lord is my Healer

HaShem (means The Name)

Jehovah Tsidkenu

The Lord is my Righteousness

As we can see, in the above chart, none are names for individuals. The graph isn't comprehensive, but it's sufficient to convey the message.

For example:

My name is Christina Thoma, which consist of first and last names. That is my true individual name. I have some nicknames from family and friends. One nickname I will share is my brothers called me banana or bionic banana. Because every time we ran out of bananas at home, I would throw a temper fit when I was a child. Then one day, when I was wrestling with my older brother (who was 9 years older than me), I wrestled him to the ground and I stood up with my hands on my hips looking down at him. He was astonished at my strength and yelled, “Bionic Banana!” LOL.

Even to this day, I am called Banana or Bionic Banana by them. Those nicknames are not my individual name, but a description of my character. It’s the same way with the titles and nicknames shown in the chart above. Titles are rank positions and nicknames are character description.

So, it does matter to know the individual names of the Creator and Messiah for the sake of your salvation and knowing whom you are worshiping.

The Breakdown of their Names in Hebrew Language

In the Hebrew language, each character, word, and name have unique meanings.

The Creator/Father’s name in Hebrew is יהוה. Let’s discover what each letter means in His Name.

So, we see a Hebrew meaning in His Name. Behold, Yahawah has done a finished work, and behold we can join together or becoming bound to Him through the nails of His Son’s accomplished work on the stake.

Let’s look at the Messiah’s Name:

Messiah’s Name in Hebrew is יהושע.

Behold and see the work of salvation from Yah through His Son, Yahawash. Yah sent Yahawash to destroy the works of the devil from His chosen ones. The chosen ones will see, experience, and understand the work of salvation within them. Their salvation from Yah will return the image of Yah they were created to be. They will experience the fountain of living water flowing within them. They will shine as light.

John 3:16-21

For Elohim so loved the world that He gave His only brought-forth Son, so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but possess everlasting life. For Elohim did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not judged, but he who does not believe is judged already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only brought-forth Son of Elohim. And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked. For everyone who is practising evil matters hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But the one doing the truth comes to the light, so that his works are clearly seen, that they have been wrought in Elohim.”

1 John 3:8

The one doing sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Elohim was manifested: to destroy the works of the devil.

John 4:14

but whoever drinks of the water I give him shall certainly never thirst. And the water that I give him shall become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.

Matthew 5:14-16

You are the light of the world. It is impossible for a city to be hidden on a mountain. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it shines to all those in the house. Let your light so shine before men, so that they see your good works and praise your Father who is in the heavens."

Does Yahawah want His Name known, declared, and called upon?

Yes, He does. It is written in the Hebrew scrolls in what the Holy Bible called Old Testament. Old and New Testaments is a poor choice of wording to use because testament can also mean a will. A will only becomes effective through death of the owner, giving away his possessions to certain individuals.

Well, Yahawah is not dead. He is alive, and His Spirit cannot die. His Spirit is immortal and incorruptible. He offers a gift of promise to those who believes in Him. An offering of a gift from an alive person is not called a will or testament.

The wording of “Old and New Testaments” provides a wrong perception or belief for the believers. It provides a misunderstanding that the Old Testament is done away with and no longer applies, which is false. It deceives and deludes the believers into believing that Yah's Torah no longer applies. Yah commanded that His Torah is eternal: the everlasting covenant.

The only change that I know of is the sin offerings of the animals. We no longer have to provide animals for our sin offerings because Yahawash is the eternal offering for our sins. Yahawash's blood nullified the animal sacrifices.

The entire book is based on Yah's word and testimony to us. It is filled with instructions, wisdom, teachings, promises, warnings, and covenants. It should be called “The Scriptures.” It would be wise to call the sections: Torah, Writings from Major and Minor Prophets, Divine Inspirations, Gospel of Yahawash, Writings from Apostles, and Book of Revelation.

Corruptible men altered wordings of Yah's scriptures that can cost the soul of the believer. Wrong wordings can lead to deceptions.

However, there are many scriptures in the Hebrew scrolls that reveal Yah’s desire for us to know His Name. I will share a few scriptures to keep this lesson short as possible.

Exodus 3:15

And Elohim said further to Mosheh, “Thus you are to say to the children of Yisra’ĕl, ‘יהוה Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Aḇraham, the Elohim of Yitsḥaq, and the Elohim of Ya‛aqoḇ, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance to all generations.’ “

  • Elohim means He is a Supreme Being, Mighty One, and also Father (Creator)

Hebrews 2:11-12

For both He who sets apart and those who are being set apart are all of One, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying, “I shall announce Your Name to My brothers, in the midst of the congregation I shall sing praise to You.”

  • This was Yahawash speaking to His brethren.

  • Yahawash is a singer!

John 17:6

I have revealed Your Name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world. They were Yours, and You gave them to Me, and they have guarded Your Word.

John 17:11-12

And I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Set-apart Father, guard them in Your Name which You have given Me, so that they might be one, as We are. When I was with them in the world, I was guarding them in Your Name which You have given Me, and I watched over them, and not one of them perished except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be filled.

John 17:26

And I have made Your Name known to them, and shall make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me might be in them, and I in them

  • John 17 is the prayer that Yahawash prayed to His Father, Yahawah.

Psalms 22:22

I make known Your Name to My brothers; In the midst of the assembly I praise You.

Psalms 138:2

I bow myself toward Your set-apart Hĕḵal, And give thanks to Your Name for Your kindness and for Your truth; For You have made great Your Word, Your Name, above all.

  • Hekal means Temple or A palace of Yah considered as King; a house of Yah

Isaiah 12:2-5

See, Ěl is my deliverance, I trust and am not afraid. For Yah, יהוה, is my strength and my song; and He has become my deliverance. And you shall draw water with joy from the fountains of deliverance. And in that day you shall say, Praise יהוה, call upon His Name; make known His deeds among the peoples, make mention that His Name is exalted. Sing to יהוה, For He has done excellently; this is known in all the earth.

Revelation 14:1

And I looked and saw a Lamb standing on Mount Tsiyon, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s Name written upon their foreheads.

Joel 2:32

And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of יהוה shall be delivered. For on Mount Tsiyon and in Yerushalayim there shall be an escape as יהוה has said, and among the survivors whom יהוה calls.

Acts 2:21

And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of יהוה shall be saved

Jeremiah 33:2

Thus said יהוה who made it, יהוה who formed it to establish it, יהוה is His Name

Like I mentioned previously, there are many more scriptures that declared His Name and for His Name to be known. HalleluYah means Praise be to Yah! Corruptible men changed HalleluYah to Hallelujah, subtracting Yah’s Name by replacing the Y to a small j to mean it as Praise or the Highest Praise (without His Name). Thus, hallelujah can be used to their pagan gods.

So, it is very important to know their names. TEOYM prays this opens your spiritual senses to the truth.

All scriptures are from the ISR (Institute For Scripture Research) version; otherwise stated.



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